Go Team Apps

Ivy big number calculator 1.0.2
Go Team
It uses exact rational arithmetic so it can handle arbitraryprecision. It also supports high precision irrational values thatresult from operations such as square root. Values may be input asintegers, rationals, or floating point values.FEATURES:• Arbitrary floating point formatting• Exact rational arithmetic• High precision irrational arithmetic• APL-like vector and matrix operations.• Trigonometric, logarithmic, and exponential functionsA more complete description of the underlying engine isavailable at http://godoc.org/robpike.io/ivy.FEEDBACK:Contact https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/golang-devCOPYRIGHT:The code is licensed under a BSD license http://golang.org/LICENSEThe Ivy character is Copyright 2015 Renee French and released underthe Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License